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SUMMIT DOCTOR FOUNDRY 2024 - Tickets Released

Tickets for the SUMMIT DOUTOR FUNDIÇÃO 2024 are available from today, in the face-to-face version with very limited places, or in the online version through its own platform.

With the first edition in 2021 in online format, we've been improving and preparing something bigger with what we've learned. We have had broad participation from professionals and partner companies in the project.

For 2024, the SUMMIT DOUTOR FUNDIÇÃO model will change and will be in Hybrid format, i.e. face-to-face and online through its own platform.


The event will be held in the Auditorium of the 3M CUSTOMER INNOVATION CENTER, next to the 3M DO BRASIL headquarters in Sumaré, in the interior of São Paulo. There will be just 90 seats available to welcome experts, companies and professionals from the foundry industry to discuss key topics such as Foundry Suppliers, Aluminum, Microfusion, Iron and Steel. In addition to the professional presentations, there will be a tour of the 3M Customer Innovation Center, a visit to the Abrasives Laboratory and a visit to the Official 3M Store with the entire product portfolio. There will be parking on site and participation is subject to prior registration on our website.


There will also be the possibility of participating in the event online, via the event platform where the presentations will be broadcast live from the 3M Innovation Center Auditorium. Participants will also be able to interact by sending questions and polls via the platform.


A number of professionals have already been confirmed to speak on foundry-related topics.

The full program is available on the event's official website. SEE MORE


The first batch of tickets for the DOCTOR FOUNDRY SUMMIT are now available. Just go to the official event page www.doutorfundiçã or you can also CLICK HERE. But be warned! Tickets in person are limited.


In order to hold this event for foundrymen, we are honored to have the support of:

All official information about the event will be published on the official website at , on our social networks and official DOUTOR FUNDIÇÃO channels.


The world of foundry

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